Vaikunda Ekadasi festivals usually will be held in the month of Margazi for 22 days.It is divided into 2-Pagal Pathu and Rappathu. Pagal pathu including vaikunda ekadasi for 11-days and rappathu with Namalwar Moksham for 11 days. At that time Namperumal along with all Alwars will be in the Arjuna Mandapam for the first 11 days and at thousand pillar mandapam for the next 11 days. Both will hear the Arayar Sevai-when from Prabhandam-Thirunedunthandakam and Thiruvaimozi will be recited with dance by Arayar.
I also used to attend the festival. At one time when I was hurriedly going to Arjuna Mandapam I saw somebody following with a call to stop. I looked back and to my wonder He was Arangan ! Where are you going so fast? He asked. You said that you are attending this festival for 9-long years. Have you seen my Simmha Gadhi and Aswa Gadhi?
You have seen in all these days Ramanuja used to accompany me with Nammalwar. I note that you are thinking about Ramanuja and his contribution to Vaishanvam. Go to Udayavar Sannadhi and attend the Sathumurai- He ordered.
Acharya Ramanujar-called as Udayavar, Sri Bhashyakarar- has done a yeoman service to Sri Vaishnavam. His works cannot be measured by words. Establishing the Vishistadvaitha Philosophy-he brought Temple activities and festivals to an order. Swami Desikan compared him to Naygamani- best among the diamonds- it means that if our Poorvachariars are jewels then Ramanuja is Nayagamani among them.
Amuna Thapanaadhisayi Bhoomna Yathirajaena Nipatha Nayaga Sri/
Mahathi Guru Bhangthi Harayashti Vibhathaanaam Hirudhayangamaa Vibhathi //
Garland makers while preparing jewel studded garland always keep the Rathna called- Nayagamani. That jewel will enhance the beauty of the Garland 10-fold. Like that Acharya Ramanuja with manifold shines like Sun among the Acharyas-says Swami Desikan.
He lived for 120-years spreading our philosophy through out the world. Whenever Ramanuja asked permission to leave this world Lord Ranganatha said no. At last he gave permission when he was 120 years.
Ramanuja called all his disciples –asked them not to brood over his disappearance-instead follow his advices listed below:-
1. All Vaishnavas should respect their Guru and do service to him as done by his elders.
2. They should bring the advice of his Guru in to practice.
3. By wearing the Urthwapundaram ( Namam ) and doing things against the dharma-he will not be called Sree Vaishnava.
4. Don’t succumb to worldly pleasures.
5. By reading the sastras is not enough-you should bring into practice what they advice yhou.
6. Knowing this world alone is not enough-you must go little deep and know Bhagavan and His acts and how Acharyas enjoyed His beauty.
7. Forget your bad experience and happenings- Emotionalluy you attach with Him and utter His names-They will be like Amrutham and sweet.
8. Calling you as Vaishnavam-then cultivate hatred, jealousy and anger cannot make you vaishnavan.
9. Service to your Acharya and downtrodden equals to service to God.
10. In a day reserve one hour for SathSang-If possible go to your Acharya and hear his Pravachanaml
11. If this is not possible hear the Pasurams and Pravachanams in you house itself.
12. Always seek the friendship of Bhagavathothamas and Elders who do service to God.
13. Don’t succumb the sweet words and directions of Pashanda religions.
14. Don’t succumb to people who treat God as mere stone and your Acharya is an ordinary citizen.
15. Don’t treat Ganga and Cauvary as mere rivers-they are medicines to remove you sins. Like wise don’t treat your Purohit as mere Vadyar.
After finishing the above advices Ramanuja asked his disciples for any clarification.They asked him that after he disappears they need directions to attain salvation.
Ramanuja said:-
1. Those who surrender at the feet of Lord-should not fear about the future. The future will be according to the Punyam and sins and like wise his next birth also. There is no use of brooding over this.
2. In this life-hence from this time onwards take a vow that you will only do good things. Study Sri Bhashya-share this with others. If not study Namalwar’s Divya Prabhandam-Titruvai Mozei. If even this is not possible live in a cottage at Yadhavthri. Even this is not possible in your place itself utter his namavali. Even that is not possible catch hold of a true Vaishnavan and follow him.
3. Findout your true friend. Those who hate God are your enemies. Distance your self from people who succumb to worldly pleasures,
The great Ramanuja who gave us the philosophy of Visihtadvaitham-who gave the Sri Bhashya-who made Temple Activities in an orderly way lives for ever to guide us.
Even today many of us are confused about this philosophy-but Ramanmuja cleared this.
Lord Narayanan is the Supreme God. Our body and Athma belongs to Him. He is Yajamanan of them. We are His servants. Our identity is different and our body and soul are under his command like:-
Take the mango. Though it is one-it contains itself-colour, smell, fibre. Nut etc each is different but together it is called Mango but has separate identity- that is called Advaitham or duality as propounded by Sankara
Ramanuja went further- though Athma and body are separate-yet they are under the control of Bhagavan-called Non-Dualism.
When we think about those who lived at his period-they are very fortunate. Ramanuja lived for 60-years in Srirangam and made it as Bhooloka Vaikundam. During this period he established 74-madathipathis and spread Vaishnavam throughout the world, made temple worship easy and orderly. Even if we adopt some in our life-we get salvation.
When I entered Udayavar Sannadhi-Sathumurai was going on. Arangan sent me intime to get theertha Prasadam.
Swamin I read in one book that sri ramanuja asked to build house at melkottai something. Is it true
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