Characteristics of Life
1. Tatva of Life
2. Heridity
3. Factors at birth
4. Pancha Bhutas
5. Chakras in body
6 Nadis in body
7. Pranas
8. Planets and body
9. Karanam
10 Four states of consciousness
11 Tapam
12. Witness to one’s actions
13. Detractions in life
14. Characteristics to be cultivated
15. 20 Instructions in Gita
5.1 Tatva of Life
1. Prakriti (Matter)
2. Mahat (Cosmic mind/intellect)
3. Ahamkar (Ego)
4. Five Tan-matras - Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell.
5. Pancha (Five) Bhutas – Akash, Air, Agni, Water, Prithvi
6. Five Gyana Indriyas- Eyes, Ear, Nose, Mouth and Skin.
7. Karma Indriyas- Hands, Feet, Mouth, Excretory organs, Reproductive organs.
8. Mind
24 tatvas involved in creation of Atma
9. Jeevatma ( Chit )
10. Paramatma (Supreme GOD / Brahmam)
About Atma
Until liberated (through Moksha/Mukti), an Atma undergoes repeated cycles of births and deaths in the following forms ,depending on the accumulated Karma Atma has limitless attributes as the Supreme, except HIS exclusive powers of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction
There are 4 ways of birth / 7 categories of life forms / 84 lakh types of living beings (Yonis) Only human beings can obtain salvation
Life form Ways of Birth
1. 11 Devas
2 9 Human Child birth
3 10 Animals Child birth
4 10 Birds Egg
5 15 Reptiles Egg
6 10 Aquatic Egg
7 19 Plants & Trees-Seed, branch
yl;rk; 84 lakh Lice, germs from Sweat )6 tiffs;/types Plants & Trees
• 28 tiffs;/types Animals & Birds etc.
Path for Liberation
• Seek HIS grace & guidance
• Lead a spiritual life
• Follow essential Samskaras
• Surrender to the Supreme
5.2 Heridity (Sukra Datu)
One inherits 84 amsas (characteristics) from 7 generations
• 28 Self earned
• 21 thro’ father
• 15 G. Father
• 6 GG. Father
• 3 GGG Father
• 1 GGGG Father
84 Total
5.3 Five Factors laid down by God at birth
1.Life span
2.Date, time, place and manner of death
5.4 Pancha Bhutas (Elements) in Human
• Prithvi/Earth (Smell) Nose, Skin, Bones, Nerves, Hair, Flesh
• Appu/Water (Taste) Tongue, Saliva, Urine, Manus, Blood, Sperm
• Teyu/Agni/Fire (Form ) Eyes, Hunger, Thirst, Sloth, Sleep, Desire
• Vayu/Air (Feel) Skin, Bending, Running, Jumping, Stretching
• Akash/Ether (Sound) Ear,Speech, Thought, Delusion, Mental action, Wailing
5.5 Main Chakras in Our Body
Chakra Location No.of Petals Colour Alphabets
1. 4 -to ] Muladhara reproductive va to sa
2. 6 g to y Swadhistana sun ba to la
3. 10 j to g Manipuraka vel red da to pha
4. 12 f to j Anahata eart golden ka to tha
5. 16 Visudhi vowels
6. 2 Ajna space bet eye brows lotus red ha to kra
7. 1000 Sahasrara top of head (Turiam/Crown)
5.6 Main Nadis in our Body (total 72000 aprox.)
1. Ida LH
2. Pingala RH
3. Susumna Central
4. Gandhari L. Eye
5. Gajajihva R. Eye
6. Pasa R.ear
7. Yasasvini L.Ear
8. Alambus mouth
9. Kuhu Sex organ
10. Sankini mula
5.7 Five Pranas (Vital Air)
name function circulating area
1. Prana breath Heart , Lungs
2. Apana get rid of excess air Bladder, Anus
3. Samana digestion Navel
4. Udhana respiration, Voice Throat
5. Vyana blood circulation Allover body
Five Upa-Pranas (Auxilliary Air)
1. Naga vomit
2. Kurma eyes
3. Krikata hunger
4. Devadutta yawn
5. Dhananjaya all over body
5.8 Planets and Body
Planet Colourof rays Organs Benefits
Sun orange bones long life, wealth, glory, benevolence
Mercury light green skin happiness, victory
Venus white vital fluids health, peace
Moon White blood health ,victory, friends
Mars rptg;g[ red fat invention, fearlessness
Jupiter golden brain intelligence
Saturn ash nerves long life
Black holes black bio energy beauty, spirituality intelligence,
5.9 Karanam (instruments of action)
5.9.1 Tri Karanam Mano-Vak-Kayam
1. Mind Thoughts
2. Mouth Spoken Word
3. Senses Actions
Karma Indriyas)
When all the three are in unison and directed towards GOD, Life will be Bliss..
5.9.2 Antahkaranam (sub division of Mind)
The process of thought is known as Mind. It has four sub divisions
1. Manas (Mind) a single thought
2. Budhi (Intellect) interpreting & confirming many thoughts
3. Chitta (Memory) evaluation wrt stored information
4. Ahamkara (Ego) Thought of “I / MINE”
5.9.3 Angas of Budhi (Intellect)
1. Receive information
2. Retain them
3. Recollect them
4. Repeat them to others
5. Know related issues
6. Discriminate
7. Clear understanding
8. Grasp the truth
5.10 Four States of Consciousness
1. Jagrut (awake) Conscious state; attracted by sense objects
2. Swapna (Dream) Semi Conscious state
3. Susupti (Deep Sleep) Bliss; attracted by GOD
4. Jupa Turiya (Samadhi)Contemplation/abstraction
5.11 Tri Tapam (Three afflictions)
1.Adhyatmika Arising due to the body (like fever, pain etc.)
2.Adi Bhautike Arising due to animals (scorpian, snakes etc.)
3.Adi Daivika Arising due to Devas (Nature : thunder, lightening, Sunami, earth-
quake etc.)
5.12 Witness to One’s Actions
1.Akash 2. Bhoomi 3.Vayu 4. Water 5.Mind 6. Moon 7. Sun
8. Fire 9. Yama. 10. morning 11. Evening 12.night 13. Dharma.14. Directions
5.13 Samara’s detractions
.13.1 Shad Ras ( 6 Tastes )
1.Salt 2. Sweet 3 Hot(chilli) 4. Bitter 5.Sour
5.13.2 Nava Rasas ( 9 emotions )
Shringar Veer Karunadbhuta Hasya Bhayanaka
1 Love 2. Heorism 3. Pity 4.Surprise/astonishment 5. Mirth 6. Fear/Terror
7.Anger 8.Disgust 9. Calm/Tranquil
5.13.3 Gunas ( Emotions/Feelings )
1. Desire 2. Anger 3.Greed 4.Infatuation/Delusion 5. Pride/Intoxication
6. Jealosy 7. Desire for sensual joy 8. Vengence
5.13.4 Hidden Gunas
Traits in Atma when in Samsara)
1.evil/sin 2. ageing 3. death 4. sorrow/sufferings 5. hunger 6. thrist
7.desire 8. obstacles
These disappear when liberated and one enjoys Bliss.
5.14 Characteristics to be Cultivated
5.14.1 6 Virtues
1. Sama tranquility of mind ( control of thoughts)
2. Dama (Pratyahara) control senses (abstraction)
3. Uparati cease worldly pleasures
4. Titiksha. endurance
5. Shradda faith in God, Scriptures and Self
6. Samanadhana concentration.
5.14.2 8 Bhavas (Attitudes )
1. Non violence / clemency
2. Control of senses and desires
3. Tenderness
4. Patience
5. Resignation
6. Devotion
7. Meditation
8. Truthful
5.14.3 8 Atma Gunas
Saamanya Dharma in Vedas - routine duties)
1`. purity and discipline
2. actions without strain
3. pleasing
4. firm belief
5. help others
6. do not desire others properties
7. absence of jealousy.
8. absence of obstinacy
* Exernal purity covers body,food,water,air,clothes etc., through rituals such as bathing, cleaning, washing. Internal purity (mind/atma) is achieved through rituals such as Achamanam, Pranayam, Japam.
5.14.4 Qualities of Friendship
1. offer help without asking and without reservations
2. ask help without reservation
3. share intimate family matters (receive and give)
4. share food (receive and give)
5.14.5 Highest Qualities
• Swiftness in actions like Garuda
• Stability (to bear difficulties) like Himalayas
• Depth (to conceal feelings) like oceans
• Pleasing (cheerful and helpful) like moon
• Splendor (source of encouragement) like Sun
Vedanta Desikan
5.14.6 Summary of Characterstics
• Sincerity
• Honesty
• Punctuality
• Simplicity
• Divinity
• Hospitality
• Benevolence
• Compassion
• Harmless
• Humane
All these and more are present in a true devotee.
5.14.7 16 Traits of Virtues of Man
Qualities of Supreme (Rama) narrated by Narada to Valmiki Rishi, which was composed as Ramayana.
1. Virtuous
2. prowess
3. knowledge of right
4. conscious of services done
5. truthful in speech
6. firm resolve
7. right conduct
8. friendly to all
9. man of knowledge
10. powerful
11. lovable appearance
12. conquered anger
13. splendor
14. above fault finding
15. egoless-subdued his self
16. in battle foes find him dreadful
20 Instructions in Gita
• Unflinching devotion is the goal
• Detachment and desirelessness as long as one lives in the world
1. Not covet honour
2. Avoid Arrogance
3. Not harm any one
4. Forgive others
5. Simple
6. Do service
7. maintain Purity
8. Show rectitude
9. Self restraint
10. Be dispassionate to sense objects
11. Avoid ego
12. Contemplate on worldly misery
13. Non-attachment
14. Less affinity to family
15. Equanimity
16. Faith in God
17. Resort to sequestered place
18. Avoid tumultous place
19. Acquire spiritual knowledge
20. Search for eternal bliss
Prepared by R.Jagannathan and R. Devanathan
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